Upon the walls of our home are pictures of our family;
The children when they were little and the adults they grew to be.
Dotted across the walls are the grandchildren
Who reminds us of our children as they were then.
We have been very blessed to have such a life filled with love
For this we should thank the Man up above.
I thank Him every day for sending you to me
For without you this family would never be.
I feel very blessed that you came into my life
And asked me to share your world and be your wife.
I want to take this time to tell you how special you are to me;
If you were not in my life, it would be so empty.
You have brought joy to my life as I see the grandchildren smile
When they get to see their Papa for a while.
You have filled my life with happiness in so many ways.
I want to say, Happy Father’s Day, with all of my love, forever and always.